I've got a lead on a last year (1978) SOHC CB750. Its got a Vetter fairing and hard bags that will be sold off if I buy it. Its got spokes instead of ComStars, and it looks relatively clean. He's asking $600 and I'm thinking to offer $500 and go from there. Opinions?
These are crappy cell phone pics, btw.

11/12/12 5:29 a.m.
At that price how can you go wrong? It's worth more in parts.
11/13/12 8:04 a.m.
If you pass, let me know... :)
If it runs and it has a title, its worth at least $500. If you can re-coop a couple hundred from the fairing and bags, you'll be in good shape.
Do it.
The fairing and bags, if in good shape, will get you about $300. So now you've got an old CB750 for about $300.
Pretty darn hard to beat that deal.
The bike itself is a fine basic UJM with great performance for a bike of that era. Do understand that by todays standards, the bike is flexy, weakly braked, and mediocre for performance. That said, it's still powerfull, comfortable and reliable.
If you were to tell me where it was, and it was near me, it would probably end up in my shed, and I certainly don't need one.
It sorta looks like it could be automatic, seeing the shape of the case on the right side. If so then it's not worth a whole lot except as a parts bike. The automatics were just not big sellers, nobody really wanted them.

Those had a little bitty torque converter, not a whole lot bigger than a bagel. Pretty cool, actually.
If it's not an automatic, then it's a good basis for this:

You are welcome. 
11/20/12 8:51 p.m.
Hey Appleseed, did you buy it? We're neighbors, more or less. There should be beer and car talk in the future :)
Guys out of town, but it's still there. I'm calling him this weekend. Seems like a real cool, nice Latino dude on the phone.
It's a barely running turd. Oil leaks, gas leaks, blown fork seals, bad brakes, etc.... The owner wouldn't budge from the $600 asking price.
Oh well.
So i take that you passed on it?
11/29/12 3:51 p.m.
I'm working on a twin cam now in Woodstock. Still slightly on the fence...
Yup. Its gonna need at least another $600 in work to not kill me. I think I could find a clean one for $1200.
Lugnut, I'm looking at this at noon on Friday:
CB400 Hawk
11/30/12 7:32 a.m.
I was thinking about calling that guy! I can take a long lunch today if you want some company to inspect it.
Yes, defiantly. I'd love to have another set of eyes. He lives at the corner of Wicker & Bagley.
Say, meet at the Ace Hardware at noon? I'll be on the Twinstar.
11/30/12 11:46 a.m.
Got delayed but Ia m on the way. Hoping you're checking the webernetz remotely! :)
11/30/12 11:46 a.m.
Got delayed but Ia m on the way. Hoping you're checking the webernetz remotely! :)
11/30/12 1:53 p.m.
It was... rough-ish... but for t'ree fi'ty I still think it's a deal.
So, Appleseed, you passed, then?
This is the CB I was thinking of inspecting. http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/mcy/3441037155.html
Yeah, I passed. That's a deal. I also got a lead on a CB900 down state that belongs to a friend of a friend.