Well, I took the last ride of the year on Friday. I put Stay-Bil in the full gas tank and ran the carbs dry with the petcock turned off. Will be getting a battery tender. Anything I've over looked?
Well, I took the last ride of the year on Friday. I put Stay-Bil in the full gas tank and ran the carbs dry with the petcock turned off. Will be getting a battery tender. Anything I've over looked?
Put it on a lift, if you have one. If not, I've heard of parking it on thick carpet, to prevent flat-spotting tires.
Clean and wax. Put max air pressure in tires (if no lift); Paul's (RMD) idea is good with the carpet as well... Fogging engine is not a bad idea either.
All good suggestions. About storing it on a lift: it's easy to make a stand out of 2x4's and plywood so the tires will not be in ground contact. If you staple an old piece of carpet to the top of this homemade stand, it won't scratch the frame paint.
fogging oil. http://www.amazon.com/EVINRUDE-JOHNSON-GENUINE-Storage-Fogging/dp/B004QRXTXI/ref=pd_sbs_indust_1
with dampers at full extension, is there concern over corrosion on the exposed shafts ripping up the seals when it goes back to ride height?
If it's stored inside (garage or similar), no. If it has to go outside under a tarp (which I very very much do NOT recommend) then yes it's possible.
Is all this overkill? It is almost December - what is it going to be in storage for, 4 months max? I would keep it clean, drain the carbs by running it dry and hook up a tender to the battery and call it a day. Fogging the engine is OK, but then you have to drain the carbs the hard way.
I just park mine, plug it in and cover it. I have never had a problem in the past 20 springs that a new battery or a jump hasn't solved.
If it's not going in a cave with a giant boulder rolled in front of the entrance 'til spring: Wash and wax - get it up to temp and change the oil - Sta-bil in the tank, drain the float bowls - Air the tires - put it on a battery tender, put a cover over it.
A couple times over the winter, roll it a foot or 2.
Living in MD is never winterize anything but lawn equipment, and 1/2 the time I forget that. There's always a couple days a month all winter that are tolerable in my Aerostich+Widder vest.
I am, however keeping E-0 gas in the RD400 I finished restoring this summer which has a rack of carbs that are virginally clean and spotless. As much as I like the ethanol, carbs don't...
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