Was looking at helmets the other day, and was stunned at what I saw on every modular helmet on any of the shelves.
They all have the chinbar release, on the outside. Ready and able to flip the chin bar up the moment it hits the pavement. Especially if you rotate and find yourself sliding feet first.
What the Hell are they thinking!
HJC, Scorpion, Gmax, Shoei, every single one of them. Gmax was remarkable at how easily theirs flips up. Just brush that release lever and the chin bar springs itself up. It's so light I could see wind or a bump releasing it.
I understand wanting a standard approach for chin bars. Helps you the rider if the crew can figure out how to quickly flip the chin bar up. But a chin bar that flips up should you face plant on the road?
My son commented, and I was thinking it myself. Are they attempting to set up a lawsuit to cause them to be banned? I just can't come up with a dumber feature to put on a helmet, especially a motorcycle helmet.
I don't like the idea of a modular helmet anyway. I just don't see how the benefits out way the risks. I just don't trust them to stay closed in a frontal impact.
3/31/14 6:09 a.m.
Modular helmets are a dumb a$$ idea IMHO just as bad as Talking on a cell phone.
But you have to have a modular helmet to use a cell phone!
bentwrench wrote:
But you have to have a modular helmet to use a cell phone!
Or BT module and leave the cell phone in the bag.
3/31/14 9:04 a.m.
No they make so many communicators that blue tooth to your cell. even fit in normal helmets.
All cell phones should be baned if over 5mph in my mind cars and bikes. Lets stop kill people by talking on the phone.
Speaking of cell phones and helmets, did they release that HUD helmet yet?
3/31/14 11:54 a.m.
In reply to N Sperlo:
There are two currently, the one is an add on for normal helmets for $599 or so, and the Skully is somewhere around $1500 and not actually released yet.