11/19/13 7:14 a.m.
I have tried very hard to NEVER wander into this section of the forum. Gawd, I don't need another addiction... 
I don't have a bike. Used to ride, won't anytime soon.
But I DO have a GSX-R1000 engine, and it is about to end up in a car.
So, I am looking for some advice on tweaks for this engine, mounting tips, and pitfalls to watch out for (cooling, oiling, whatever).
I am also curious about engine management. Is there a bike equivalent of a Megasquirt? Is it worth it, or is the factory ECU quite sufficient?
For what it's worth, the car will be an ultra-lightweight car.
11/19/13 7:39 a.m.
I believe those are used in some DSRs, so that could be a good place to look for specific tips. In general, oiling tends to be the issue with bike engines- if they see lateral Gs in the bike, it's usually because it fell over 
Microsquirt is the tiny version of Megasquirt, we had good luck with it when I was building FSAE cars with bike engines.
11/19/13 8:31 a.m.
Tweaks can be many and varried but there year dependant. Cam swaps are common etc. It all comes down to ECU year. Anything newer then 05 can be reprogramed and keep the stock ecu look. 02-04 can use add on controlers like power comanders and yoshi boxes. but they have limits too.
When bolting in the the car you'll need to watch the driveshaft angles. Oiling best thing is to keep the stock pan if driveshaft height will allow. If not there are many good oil pans out there. I used to use a PeterD pan that was a modified 02 center hump pan they cut the center hump down weld a box around the sides then drill holes in the sides of where the hump meets the bottom of the box, this adds capasity and baffles. but the orginal owner sold to a guy in TX and i've not seen any of the new guys works but theres others who do great work.
11/19/13 10:19 a.m.
If you have the factory ecu, you can do no wrong by going with a Power Commander.
When it comes to literbike engines, you won't pick up more than 10-20hp n/a and still be on pump available fuel.
11/19/13 11:28 a.m.
In reply to SVreX:
Ahh, its around 175hp at the crank as it sits, pending its maintence life. Sounds like a good start to me. 
11/19/13 11:39 a.m.
44Dwarf wrote:
When bolting in the the car you'll need to watch the driveshaft angles. Oiling best thing is to keep the stock pan if driveshaft height will allow.
OK, so the goal is to watch the driveshaft angle to maintain... what?
Particular engine angle? Level side to side? Level front to back? Other?
I am assuming you mean a steep rake on the shaft will mean the engine will sit pitched to the rear, and the oil pickup will not be able to circulate correctly from the pan.
I should have plenty of options, just don't know what I should be targeting.
11/21/13 8:51 a.m.
In general you want the engine level front to back in car which would be side to side when in the bike. This should locate the output splined shaft level. You do not want the motor tipped front to back. Tipping would make for uneven u-joint angles and that's bad. When I set a motor in a Dwarf I adjust the third link so pinion angle is zero then I move the angle finder to the motor and get that set for zero off the face of the Hawk Machine driveshaft adapter. Then i'll set the pinion to be down between 2deg's as I know it will rise unload load. As far as the angle side to side of the motor (front to back in bike) I would try to set it off the valve cover / cam surface to the angle in the motorcycle spec sheets. (I looked it up spec sheet says 23 deg) Looking at pictures you could just level off oil pan surfaces.
11/22/13 1:11 p.m.
11/22/13 1:54 p.m.
In reply to 44Dwarf:
Thank you. Sometimes the same answer you would give a 6 year old is just perfect for me!
Seriously- that helped.
Make sure you get the flip flops and wife-beater that come with the bike from the factory.