6/20/14 6:48 a.m.
I've decided I want a vintage scooter. My initial targets are a Honda Hobbit or Express. Needs to be 49cc or less.
Which of those do I want? Is there another make that is leaps and bounds better? I'm pretty partial to Honda everything but if there's something way better for the same money I'll stray. Looking for mid 70s to mid 80s.
This will be for 5-10 mile fun trips and maybe back and forth to work (25 mi each way) once a month if that.
Many years ago an old girlfriend had a Honda Express. It was a lot of fun to ride, but unless your 25 mile commute never exceeds 25mph it won't be a good choice.
6/20/14 8:31 a.m.
I don't need to commute on it, if it's too slow I won't. Don't want anything over 49cc so I'm guessing they're all about equally slow.
I had a Honda NC50 Express. I abused it then my nephew abused it then my oldest daughter abused it then my niece abused it then my youngest daughter abused it then I sold it for more than I had in it. It needed a rear tire twice and a front tire once. Everything else on it just kept on going.
6/20/14 9:42 a.m.
that's what I wanted to hear
Where are you located? My nephew has a Hobbit he had been thinking about selling.
Ah, kind of far for a Moped purchase. I'm in Columbus Ohio. (and so is my nephew.)
I had a Hobbit as my first moped. My Mom bought it for me when I was 10.
Looked nothing like this -

They're expensive now for what they are due to the hipster tax.
6/21/14 7:43 a.m.
What is a reasonable price to pay for one in good, rideable condition? I see them from $300-$1200 on local CL.
$300 max. Considering I got a real bike with 4 times the cubes for $450, there is no way in hell I'd pay $1200 for one. No. Way.
I used to see these at garage sales for $100, rideable.
Vintage Hondas sell for a lot more than you'd expect.
Think more bicycle you dont have to pedal than tiny motorcycle.
I've been looking at the Express, as well, as I need pit transportation. Seems ones needing work start at about $450 and running ones in average condition start at $700. Passports are typically more expensive. Sprees are hard to find, but are about what an Express goes for (and I prefer the Spree). Gyros are cool for being odd, but command an even higher hipster tax, starting at $1200 and going up to $1700-$1800 for a really nice one. All told, a lot of money for a moped. That newish Genuine Buddy 50 is looking better and better at $450...