I'm strangely attracted to vintage dualsports and I'm just starting to learn about them. I just found a 73 TS250 on a somewhat local c-list and I like the color. Other than that, I know very little about them. Air-cooled 2-stroke 250 and drum brakes rounds out my knowledge. This would be my first bike. Good idea or bad idea?
Yellow or orange?
Oil injected rotary valve. You can not run it out of oil! Tank is under the seat. Do not try to eliminate the oil pump and run pre mix it will not work due to the rotary valve. Suzuki used to sell a race kit for TS's came with big bore piston and a wild shaped rotary valve. Myself and my three older brothers had a TS90 with a 150 kit. Later i had a ts250 as well. great bikes just keep an eye on the oil pump.
For those not familiarly with rotary valve 2 strokes.
There is spline on the right side of the crank shaft on to that slides (in this case) a thin sheet metal disk with a pie section cut out. a tight fitting cover with a hose barb on it. the carb clamps around this barb. one of the oil line goes below the carb fitting to lube the valve as the clearance is 0.003-.004.
The valve was used instead of reed valves (no royalty to Mr. Boyssen) and better timing control of the intake charge when compared to using the piston skirt.
I used to pick molested rotary valve bike up all the time with stuck valves most of the time the case is so messed up it would not seal. Kaw used a rotary valve as well, theres was a composite fiber. Just keep the oil pump and ride on.
Best of luck
They're pretty simple and reliable bikes. For parts, Paul Miller is your guy: http://millersvintage.com/ You can get reproduction decals if it need repainting: http://www.reproductiondecals.com/
44Dwarf wrote:
Yellow or orange?
So if I found one that runs just fine for $375 I'd be smart to pick it up?
and yes Paul Miller is the guy for parts. Theres a few other dealer i know have nos inventory but don't wish to blab about it on the web...(you never know i might need some parts too)
So the seller of the green one never got back to me but a yellow one just popped up on craigslist for close to the same price. This one has a cracked oil container from a crash.
Tanks been long discontinued. Try Paul Miller. I know i sold him one about 8 years ago with a ton of other TS parts at a swap meet. He bought two big boxes of NOS suz parts i had laying around. Note sure what model it was from..could have been TS90.
I've owned a TS50, TS90 (with 120 kit), TS185, and a TS250.
So, what's Paul like in person? I've bought a bunch of stuff from him over the years and talked to him on the phone but never met him - he seems to be a real nice guy but I get the impression he's a real character.
Nice guy. had cash...I didn't know who he was at the time made my deal he handed cash over and his card.
We both made out good. except later i needed some part i sold him for a TM i re-did. cost me double..my own fault.
Hopefully going to look at/buy that yellow one tomorrow! 
good luck.
I'll PM you some other info.
Turns out I found a KLR 250 closer than that TS250 AND its in primo shape. It also cost ~$550 less than market value. Long story short, I am now the proud owner of a 93 KLR 250 
if anyone else is interested, here's the link to the c-list posting. Guy seems cool and was very helpful.