Down the craigslist rabbit hole once again... During some recent browsing on Craigslist I found a 1971 Harley Davidson XR-750 frame up for sale that includes forks, triples, handlebars, rear shocks, swing arm, and gas tank. No price, haven't contacted the owner yet, but I have been tempted and the wheels have started turning.
Anybody have experience with these monsters? From what little I've been able to find online, that year frame pre-dates the uber rare alloy XR motors that go for $10-20k and are true racing motors. This means, I believe, that stardard XLH and XLCH iron head sporty motors will work (duck's Dr. Hess' left hook) and would be somewhat period correct. Upgrade the electrics to modern reliable pieces, use a lithium battery hidden in the tracker seat if I can't get a kickstarter to work, add a simple taillight, headlight, and brakes... could make a fun bomb-around-town bike. I'm I completely off-base here?