Hey all,
I'm looking to dedorkify my old Honda somewhat by removing the enormous rear brake/tail light and updating it with something more compact. I'd like something along the lines of this: http://www.bricksite.dk/wrenchmonkees?id=195046&catalogue_selected=106480_9027#106480
I thought I'd check here and see what you all have had good luck with that can be purchased stateside.
I'm sure this is out there, I'm just not sure where to look for starters...plus, I'd like to hear about something someone here has actually used, if possible.
So...I've been looking around a lot and the one in the link I posted is about the best I can find for the money (however, I'm not sure how much shipping will cost).
Is there seriously not a comparable compact brake/tail light stateside...on a budget?
Find a local shop that sells parts for choppers. They always have tons of cool lights and stuff.
Grtechguy wrote:
been to denniskirk.com?
Roger that...
I like the price and simplicity of this one: http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp?skuId=H2135&store=&catId=&productId=pH2135&leafCatId=&mmyId=
However, its shape doesn't really do it for me. I might go with it anyway, but I figured I'd look for some other options as well.
skruffy wrote:
Find a local shop that sells parts for choppers. They always have tons of cool lights and stuff.
Hmmm...I honestly don't know if we have one of those. I suppose it's worth a shot. I hadn't hit the pavement because I assumed we don't have a shop like that here. I'll see what's out there.
This is what I'm using now:

Its a DRC Edge2 taillight with integrated flashers from 12 o'clock labs.
How it works...
Mine's set on the fast flash.
That's pretty sharp and would probably be cool at night, but (watching the video) it looks like it might be a bit weeney for daylight. Am I wrong?
Limp dick tail light, popular with the Bobber crowd. Also available in black.

Thanks for that option. I can't tell if it's a brake/tail light or just a tail light.
Either way, it's one more in the mix.
I appreciate it.
Two element bulb included.
Try Battlescooter:
minimac wrote:
That's pretty sharp and would probably be cool at night, but (watching the video) it looks like it might be a bit weeney for daylight. Am I wrong?
No idea, I'm never behind myself when I'm riding. The flashing is very noticeable from riding with someone who has a modulator on his KLR, so I'd wager its as good as stock.