So the boy and I got the project bike back together and here is a vid of week two(maybe 30 or 45 mins of ridding time). week 2
I wished I would have recorded the next lap, he really opened it up and scared himself(and me). Little bike gets moving when it gets up on pipe. 
You can have a period in your user name?! 
I really like watching the 6 year olds at the moto events. Their so small but they get out there and kick ass! When they fall down, their parents just throw them back on the bike and they keep shredding. So cool! My wife has already deemed it necessary to buy our kids bikes.... and we don't have any yet. 
How old is he? My son is six and I can't get him back on a bicycle after a smallish get off scared him. I seriously doubt I could get him on a powered bike...
Cool. Just remember he's oblivious to the danger. It's all on you. Knee pads, elbow pads, etc. You've got to be the one that makes sure he wears them.
My son riding his dirt bike has helped my wife better appreciate good wine.
He is 7 now, had a powerwheels at 2 and been riding bikes without training wheels since he was almost 4. Mom can only watch for a little bit before she runs back into the house. He has ridden a mini gas 4-wheeler, but the engine on 2 wheels is all new. I(now we) do harescrambles, so yeah a big plus on the safety gear. Trees/rocks/stumps/fences don't get out of the way just because you yell at them.
What bike is that? Looks like a Husqvarna.
I have a PW50 and TTR50 for my 3 year old boy and 7 year old girl.
Last year was a washout - the track I made in the spring stayed underwater almost the whole summer. I plan to rent another bobcat and try to fix it up this year.
N Sperlo wrote:
You can have a period in your user name?!
That is really what your first thought was? 
Its a '01 Husky Boy JR, but it has the bigger carb and I think an aftermarket pipe. So far with new tires/tubes/cables/tune up we have about 325 in it. Well worth it.
and I'm pretty sure I also had a period on the old board also.