2/23/10 5:07 p.m.
This is more of a curiosity thing but my dad used to ride his friends old yamaha but I have no idea what the model was. It was a basic street bike, single cyl. air cooled motor, probably 125-250cc. I don't have much more info than that, it was probably from the 80's based on it's looks, rectangular headlight.
I'd like to know what the model was so I can look up more info on it.
Yamaha SR? There were 125 and 250s.
2/23/10 6:51 p.m.
I'm pretty sure that's it! Thanks!
2/28/10 5:48 p.m.
My dad just found the old registration, turns out it was an Yamaha SR 185. I can't seem to find much info on them, anyone know anything?
2/28/10 6:42 p.m.
You mean the 80-81 Exciter???
Did it look like this?

That's my roommate's. It was the first motorcycle I ever rode, back in 2006 or so. I can get any info you need from him.
2/28/10 11:46 p.m.
Yea, it was an 81 SR 185 and I've picked up online that it also went by the Exciter. There was never any badging on the bike, just what it was titled as. My Dad borrowed it from a friend who used it to commute to UBC everyday in the mid 80's. I just remember it always being around a kid since we stored it at our place for like 9 years.
What are they like as first bikes?
PaulY wrote: What are they like as first bikes?
If you try really hard you might be able to go fast enough to hurt yourself.
nah, seriously, for a person whose size/weight falls in the fat part of the Bell Curve it would probably make a nice commuter.