The g/f's brother in-law is giving me a scooter of his for well under a C note. It is his from when he was stationed in Hawaii with the Navy. It's give or take about 5-6 years old, two stroke, already has the big bore appx. 70cc engine (originally 50cc). Pipes are original, same with the carb as best as I can tell. Just needs a belt and battery from what he says (I trust him on this). Any cool stuff that I should get, good tires for scooters, other fun stuff? The one time I rode it I want to say it was good to about 50 or so, I think the variator or pulleys or something were changed. Just looking to use it for quick errands and riding around the local area. I'm already planning to shave the mirrors and maybe give it a flame job, basically make it incredibly ugly and scary to small children.
Go turbo or go home.
It is late and I am tired of doing school work so the result is bad ideas.
Take a CNC class and make a supercharger for it ;)
Not exactly "cool", but a trunk would be a good start if you're running errands.
It will kill a bit of top speed, and wear the rear tire faster, but they sure are useful. I've got one thats big enough for my jacket. So I can stash the jacket when I go into a store (helmet gets latched to the seat), then when I come out, jacket goes on, and groceries go into the trunk.
I'm assuming from the size that its 2 stroke? If so, a good exhaust should free up a decent bit of power, especially if its got a 70cc kit with the stock exhaust. Shop carefully, though, as I understand a lot of the two stroke exhaust pipes aren't really that good.
I am also toying w/ a chinajunk scoot. Its a 4-stroke 125cc, so I can;t help w/ specifics, but theres some good forums out there. Best resources I've found so far are (they're heavy on the 4-stroke info, but tires and suspension, and basic chinajunk troubleshooting should be helpful to you); and has some great info on tuning in their motor swaps section: