Working on my street tracker project, a 1980 XS650 Yamaha. I need a throttle tube and housing, the bar switches for both sides and the clutch perch and lever. I need the right side switch to include the headlight 'on/off' switch (not all of them were made that way).
Are you looking for an 80 XS650 specific set, or just anything?
I'm flexible on years/makes, but it pretty much has to have a bar mounted headlight switch (trying to clean up the triple tree area). I might have found a full set of XS500 stuff already.
Suzukis had headlight switches much later, they just put a tab on the bottom of the knob to keep you from being able to switch it to off. Nine seconds with a sharp knife and you're set.
I might have a couple of sets of stuff around in SD, won't be able to check for a while though. Would certainly tuck easily into a box with a hitch though...