Finally got my $200 ninja back together and it won't start. It cranks, then cranks a little faster with choke/throttle, but never really tries to start, it does start knocking a little but it sounds like the clutch basket noise these things are notorious for. I can feel exhaust pulses out of both pipes. Has spark, new plugs properly gaped, fresh gas, petcock is open, and a fresh battery. New (used) head, head/base gaskets, cam timing is set properly (or appears to be per the factory service manual). Carbs looked good when I had them off. It does make oil pressure after I crank it for a while.
Any ideas? This bike ran fine before it dropped a valve, but the only thing that was damaged was that one valve that got tweaked a little.
3/12/10 2:44 p.m.
fuel getting through the carbs? Notorious for gumming up.
Crap, ~10psi on cyl 1, 140psi on cyl 2. Some ATF down #1 got it up to 30psi. I wonder if I broke a ring putting it back together and didn't notice...
Double crap, 85% leakdown on cyl 1 into the case. Definitely fubar'd a ring.
Still, shouldn't it at least start on one healthy cylinder?
My 500 has a hell of time turning over if both plugs aren't firing right... it's a finicky engine design (250 and 500 are the same style).
clean the carbs, re-ring it, and try again
HI ! i think you ninja has some problem comes in piston, because every time is not start without choke so i think that's a problem but you must go to garage and they will you actual problem if you have any problem so pl z share with me.
Audi A6

The only real problem we have here is with canoes.
If you get tired of her, let me know. I'm due for a road trip to pick up something I have no real need for, but a desire to own.