I've been dying to change the ergo's of the bike to fit me better. The wife didn't have any real idea on what to get me for fathers day so I said money always works. She gave me 100 bucks to spend on the bike. Can't get much for that besides handlebars. So that's what I ordered.
I read multiple places that a good way to pick out bars is to sit on the bike with your feet on the pegs and close your eyes. Position your hands where they are naturally comfortable and open your eyes. So that's what I did. I took some measurements and found some bars that were very close to my blind test.
But they are very different than stock and a lot different than what I thought I wanted. I guess the only way to know is to throw them on and find out if they will work but I thought some of you guys may have experience in changing bars.
Here is the new bar specs

Here are the stock bar specs
Material Diameter
1.0 Inch
28.50 Inch
Base Width
7.50 Inch
Knurl Center-to-Center
3.14 Inch
3.75 Inch
4.75 Inch

Comparison picks

What I'm concerned about is how it's going to effect the steering of the bike. You can see they are pretty narrow compared to stock. I tend to ride it pretty aggressively in the corners. I'm expecting more effort to steer. Am I going to loose some control or is it just something I will get used to?
I'm sure they will feel just fine after a few rides.
Your mirror position will possibly suck, unless you're a narcissist, because all you will see is your arms.
If your position is anything like what that second pic appears to be (arms straight out, elbows locked) you will probably not enjoy it after the first few miles.
Something like this may keep your hands in a more natural position:

My friend rides a 'Guzzi V11 EV and his bars are very comfortable, your hands are pretty much in an "at rest" position on them, maybe have a look for bars shaped like these:

In reply to Trans_Maro:
No my arms will not be locked out like that guy, he has his bars leaned way too far forward. That's not how I will have mine because of personal preference and my fairing will block it from going forward anyway. They'll basically be inline with the front forks not leaned all the way forward.
Not like this

More like this just not as tall

You can see how my fairing follows the angle of the forks here

Also that guy has forward controls and I have mids, I will not be folded over like that, I should be more upright. The problem with the stock bars is it has me bent over too much, putting a lot of pressure on my lower back. Combine that with a Harley suspension and it's pretty uncomfortable. The bike was designed for someone 5'6" and 150lbs, I'm six inches taller and 50lbs heavier.
As to those buckhorn bars on this

I find nothing more unbearable than having my wrists turned in like that. I know for a fact that those would not be comfortable for me.
The mirrors are going to be a problem. In the stock position above the bars I can't see anything at all in them except my shoulders. Dropped under the stock bars I have a clear view behind me, beside my waist. With the narrower bars I expect to see nothing. I'll see what they are like when the bars get here and I get them installed. I'm thinking bar end mirrors are likely in my future.
I think you'll be fine then.
The bars on my Stelvio are quite wide. I put 1200km on it, got back on my CX650E (has superbike bars) and thought "wow, these bars are narrow". By the time I got out of my neighbourhood, everything was fine again.
I think you'll be fine. Just take it easy for the first few miles, before you start hammering the corners. Different bars make the bike handle much differently, even if they're just a few inches taller/shorter.
If they feel too wide, you can always chop off an inch or so off the ends.
Trans_Maro wrote:
My friend rides a 'Guzzi V11 EV and his bars are very comfortable, your hands are pretty much in an "at rest" position on them, maybe have a look for bars shaped like these:
Had similar bars on my first bike, 78 CB550fourK. Most comfortable bars I've had. Makes me wonder why I ever bought sport bikes.
I put the bars on last Thursday, got to ride them on the Friday commute and I like them a lot.
As expected the mirrors are a problem. Also I need to figure out why I run out of adjustment on the throttle cable before it reached full throttle.
I have a theory that I'm going to try out when we get home next week.
Do you have an FSM? If not, I have one for '09 Sportsters (shouldn't be much different for yours, if at all), that I can give you oh-such-a-deal on. 
I do have an FSM.
My buddy bought me a set of aftermarket grips for my birthday last year. The throttle was only going 3/4 of the way open. The holes in the new throttle tube for the throttle cables are much farther apart on the aftermarket grips. I was able to adjust the throttle cables but only had about one thread engaged. For some reason when I put the new bars on I completely run out of adjustment on the pull cable and the throttle is only opening about 3/4.
I'm Going to put the factory throttle tube back on and see if I can get it adjusted, if not I'll have to get new cables. I Think they have stretched.
Re-rout the cables. I had to when going to clubmans. You might be able to squeeze out an extra inch with some reworking.