So my bike came as a basket case so it is missing the exhaust, carburetor and ignition. Also the seat pan is completely gone. First does anyone know anywhere that has performance pipes for this bike? Two should I just find a replacement carb or is there a different one which could work? Third can I make a different ignition work? From what I have seen ignition stuff for this bike is fairly expensive. Finally has anyone made their own seat?
Mentioning that it's a Yamaha may improve your chances.
Exhaust no idea for aftermarket....think there long gone.
Carb. Any VM will work. It will need to be jetted per the oem specs. but why not rebuild the one you have? was it missing? New carbs are about $100.
Ignition if you need points and condencer just pick up a ND Tune up kit. fle-bay they run around $35 any other aftermarket ign will cost you $2-300.
44Dwarf wrote:
Exhaust no idea for aftermarket....think there long gone.
Carb. Any VM will work. It will need to be jetted per the oem specs. but why not rebuild the one you have? was it missing? New carbs are about $100.
Ignition if you need points and condencer just pick up a ND Tune up kit. fle-bay they run around $35 any other aftermarket ign will cost you $2-300.
No the carb is completely missing as is everything from the ignition except the coil.
I have seen someone convert to a Suzuki RM125? ignition. I believe they said they some machining was needed to the flywheel? maybe. I am trying to find where I saw that.
You should be able to find a DT ign plate and fly wheel cheap enough. I know i've got one but the advance cams frozen as the motor was under water for several years at the junk yard.
44Dwarf wrote:
You should be able to find a DT ign plate and fly wheel cheap enough. I know i've got one but the advance cams frozen as the motor was under water for several years at the junk yard.
Is that better then the CT3 ignition or should I just try to find a stock replacement?