First long ride since rebuelling the punky buellster, I even re-skinned the seat but couldn't afford authentic buellskin.
I think I'll be leaving around 5am saturday morning to try and get down the coast to monterey where the fun begins. I almost want to ride down late tomorrow night and just crash near monterey so I can get a good honest start on the big ONE.
Wish me luck, I see three possible scenarios: an obituary, a sob story, or bad ass ride tale.
It will be bad ass if you dont mind skipping the crash near monterey
. Good luck and have fun
Since I never heard the bad ass ride tale, I'm assuming I missed the Obit as well?
Realized it was labor day and said to hell with it as I would likely get stuck behind a caravan of RVs and recumbant bicyclists. I was supposed to meet my old man down in SLO but he had to get the hell out of Birdoo(san bernadino) as it was 100F.
I have big riding ambitions only scuttled by the reality. It is better to be off the road when the peckerwoods are out anyways. Sorry if anyone was trying to live vicariously through me.