Yeah so after a failed attempt at clear coating the plastics, I found some red of the Krylon version of Plasti-dip. I didn't come out right, color or texture. So my bike has looked kinda pink for the past few weeks. Until the other day...
Guess what it acts just like a chalkboard. I turned my kid loose and this is how she currently sits:

And signed by the artist...

Oh, you meant chalk.
Custom liveries are the best!
Ha. You are correct. I cannot spell.
Pink? Like Triumph's Nuclear Red Pink?
That's pretty sweet though! Can you peel it like plasti?
escort1991 said:
Can you peel it like plasti?
No. You are supposed to be able to peel it but it didn't peel. I'm not sure if that had to do with the plastics, the clear I had put on previously, or the temp at which I sprayed. This was my first experiment with the stuff and right now I am not a fan. I do have some smaller parts I might try original Plasti-dip on.
3/13/15 6:30 a.m.
At least it turned into a family affair
I'm considering chalk paint for my sidecar project, so my kiddo can draw flames or sharks teeth or whatever.
Liked this google image:

Matt I love the bucket idea, that is awesome.
I've been riding it this way since last week when he did it. I get some folks that give me a WTF? look, but most think its cool. I've gotten thumbs up at red lights with it this way.
And secretly I want to wash it and then put sharks teeth down the side, I mean I can always blame it on the kiddos right? That's what we have them for to blame stuff on...