So bought a non running 110cc chinese atv. The wiring was all screwed up but it had compression. After trying to figure out how to get it wired and never getting it right I gave up. (the motor might be toast anyway) I pulled the motor out of it today and it's a solid frame with a working brake (just a rear disc) and a good throttle cable for attachment to a new motor.
My thinking was that with a solid frame like this I could attach a knock off from harbor freight and not have to mess with a battery or starter. If I could find a motor that faced the right way I would be in business. The sprocket is on the left hand side and all the motors that I could put in run a counter clockwise rotation so the motor would be backwards. I think I can figure something out, but it's gonna take more fabrication than I originally thought. The 79cc motor from harbor freight would probably fit pretty easy but I fear would be too low on power. The 212cc motor would be more than enough but would need the shaft coming out the other side.
Has anyone attempted something like this with one of these things? and pictures or pointers? It's basically a mini bike with four wheels.