The Goldwing I brought home last weekend(that had been parked in my neighbor's shed for 27-years) is seized. I've pulled the plugs & have been dousing the cylinders daily with Freeze-Off(FTMFW, BTW!). I've tried rocking it back & forth in gear to no luck.
So I'm thinking it's time to start disassembly & see what's holding things up. I've never torn into a bike before though, I'm guessing the same rules apply as cars?
Right now I'm thinking of pulling the timing cover, that way I can put a wrench on something, as well as the valve covers.
I certainly don't want to break things though...
Get a shop manual. It looks like you can download one here:
Before you take anything apart, poke around here. Their Tech forum is pretty thorough.
Sort of like a car, if you are used to rear or mid engined Porsches and VWs, or Subarus.
Plan B:
Looks like a great plan B
Too bad it's 1/2-way across the country from me, the shipping would probably kill the advantage of buying it. 
Have you been to NGW yet?
Yeah, those guys are great. Thanks!
But Dan you're killing me with all this cheap Goldwing stuff out east. Why don't you load up your trailer & head my way sometime??? 8)
Oh c'mon; I've driven farther for dumber stuff.
Pete, no excuse. I drove 1500 miles this weekend to pick up a parts car. 
Well, I emailed the engine seller. No reply yet, I asked if he would ship it.
I just don't have time to take a couple days & make a trek like that anymore. 
My wife has to go to Dayton, Ohio in July; I could talk her into driving but how do I get my car back?
remove plug pour in 50/50 mix acetone and ATF reinstall plug let sit over night. pull plug turn with crank bolt. If that no work.....
add slight amount more of acetone and lite it let mixture burn in cyl untill you get it so hot you can not put a hand on cyl and then try turning the motor over. Heat from the burn and boiling oil with creep in to the locked area.
Hell Tony, even if it doesn't work, I LIKE IT!!
Pancake Flambe'. 
6/15/10 11:00 a.m.
Well there alway the pull the head and fit a widled down 4x4 to the crown on the piston and grab the splitting maul...
my 30kw koller generator took both! Tried fire no go...tried wood no go did fire again and left the splinters of wood in to burn.. hit it again after it sat a week or so and it moved. Now i just got to find new sleave for the one that was cracked before i started...oh and a cap for the Magneto..
Got it freed up! Had to pull the heads & whack it with wood & a hammer. Rotates freely tho! 
Back in the 80's, the Mexicans were selling Panheads. These were old police bikes that, after their useful life was done, had the plugs pulled and were dumped in a field where they sat for 20 years or so. A shop I frequented was buying them for $1500, then restoring them. The pistons were so stuck that they had to unbolt the jug, pull the jug up and cut off the connecting rod.
I've done this deal for decades using the following method:
Go by a Mopar dealer and buy a can or 2 of what used to be called Mopar Heat Riser Solvent (Part number 4318039). Pull the plugs, spray a bunch in each hole. If the bike was on it's side stand it's the left side cylinders that are stuck. Use a propane torch to get the cylinders pretty hot. Let it sit a day or 2. repeat the heat cool cycle a few times.
Obtain the assistance of a friend or 2. A couple beers don't hurt for this part: Air the tires up, and if the brakes are dragging remove them. Roll the bike to someplace flat and paved. Put the bike in 5th gear. Holding the clutch in, push the bike to a good jogging pace, stand on the pegs, then drop you weight fully on the seat. Your pushers will want to load the bike as fully as possible as well.
Like when bump-starting a single - dump the clutch lever at the instant the rear suspension is loaded. Repeat 'til the engine is free or the friends refuse to push anymore.
(Note: the penetrant in the cylinders will erupt in geyser form from the spark plug holes when it lets go. A shop towel duct taped over the plug hole is a plus if you're an optimist)
Dr. Hess wrote:
The pistons were so stuck that they had to unbolt the jug, pull the jug up and cut off the connecting rod.
Tell them to fill the cylinders with vinegar and let it sit for a few days.