several vintage husky's and parts for sale north central Mass
Hi Gang. It's been 5 years or so since I restored my 76 360wr and had to sell it 2 years ago to pay the mortgage.. Anyways I've got a pile of parts I need to move now.
Time to clean the house, basement, garage, rent storage unit of old 70's vintage Husky's.
There’s a 76-77 360WR purple tank (peeling) ML15074 seat and pipe rolling chassis, with Mikuni carb, motor 2052 2652, all there but apart. motoplat with light coils (this motoplat was redone at Penton circa 1988 and used maybe 10 hours before finding the crack in the case) motors main case has small unseen crack until you pull clutch cable then it spreads and you see it, Welder said he could do it but I had another set of case. This was my 1st Husky.
There’s 1979 390 Black tank (almost no paint) MM06987 seat and pipe unknown if WR or CR rolling chassis has a Gutrner carb motor is out of bike 2062 1024 (top end is off ) looks to be all there. motoplat with light coils, Looks to have swallowed a piston. There’s silver goo built up on the ledges above the crank and crank feels notchie but turns. I have no personal experience with this bike it is as I got it 10+ years ago.
There’s another chassis without rear shocks and locked up front wheel. Finished and sold my completed husky project a few years ago this is all left over stuff.
upstairs in the garage
70’s seat pan with foam and ripped cover with duct tape..
motor cases 2052 1389 (76 360) Bare but two boxes of gears and crank and clutch are there not sure if all gears etc.
2 cylinders that need sleeves (skirts busted off) heads are there too. a complete motoplat and most of an early Femsa ign.
There is one left hand side early 4 speed main case and left side cover. Yes just the left case but hard to find if you’ve cracked your left case it an option, just have crank line bore checked. 4 speed large clutch is there too. Likely some trany parts
360 Cross Country air cleaner
Also a NOS package of red aftermarket fork leg protector skins
Located in North Central Ma.
"Smok'in the competition NOT Tobacco" "Transplant organs, Don't bury them!"