I'm not a big fan of shaft drive bikes for sporty type riding, when you roll on the throttle in a turn the pinion gear tries to climb the ring gear and this leads to a rather unsettling change in the bike's CG. So over the years I have limited my search to chain bikes. One of the bikes I skipped over was the Yamaha XS750/850/1100 triples. Rock solid motor but a shafty.
Well, guess what: there are other people out there who feel the same way I do. Race bike in Germany:
Guy making a bolt on conversion kit: http://www.yamaha-triples.org/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=6258&start=1&highlight=chain+drive&highlightmode=1
He actually quit with them but there's other machine shops out there.
I may have to widen my dead bike search parameters a bit.