I've finally had time to get back into finishing my 1979 RD400 Daytona restoration I started 1-1/2 years ago. I must confess I think it looks pretty badass, even if it is mine...
The chain and sprockets have arrived, and the front brake line is on the way. I'll pick up a jug or 2 of no-10%-ethanol gas at the track this weekend, mix up some premix w/ Castrol A747 (so good smelling) and it'll make smoke and very angry noises next week. Maybe on my birthday...

8/3/11 11:00 p.m.
Nice. I need a two smoke in my life.
alex wrote:
Nice. I need a two smoke in my life.
I see what you did there. 8)
8/3/11 11:12 p.m.
I prefer the older models, but any smoker on the street is a good thing.
oh I hart some angry 2 stroke symphony

Absolutely gloat worthy. You sir, deserve a hat tip.

I don't think I've seen one that clean and that nice in more than a decade. Delicious.
Tom Heath wrote:
Absolutely gloat worthy. You sir, deserve a hat tip.
I don't think I've seen one that clean and that nice in more than a decade. Delicious.
I am speechless. Laughing out loud - yet speechless.
BTW - it's done. I realized I was out of things to do to it. Brakes were filled and bled, all the electrical stuff worked, I'd filled and charged a new battery and nothing made smoke. I disassembled the clutch, unstuck and prelubed the plates and filled the trans w/ new oil. So I mixed a gallon of 32:1 premix, dumped it in, and it ran on the second kick. Took a 1/2 turn of the idle stop screw and ran like it was 2004 when it last ran.
Rides like the 0-miles bike it is, and sounds great.
Fantastic bike, I hope to own one someday.
Very nice!
That paint scheme (Yamaha's road race colors) was the inspiration for my street tracker.
Hot man. Hot. Another triple tuning forks rides again!