I have been looking for a project for winter break and this popped up on Nashville's craigslist. I have always liked the look of '70s dirt bikes. And for $100 and with an engine what is there to lose? Talk me out of it.
There doesn't appear to be an engine in the photo...did you contact the seller and he told you that? Also, I don't think there were any 200cc Yamaha dirt bikes in the 1970s - they had a 175 and a 250.
They are pretty easy to work on, the only thing will be sourcing replacement parts.
I had a beautiful 74(?) Yamaha MX 400 (lots of magnesium, monoshock, perfect aluminum tank) that had no spark. The ignition was in a sealed box, basically encased in melted plastic. There was no way to repair it and it was impossible to find a replacement. Be sure that it makes spark.
I can fix your 74 mx box!
But most people just swap in the DT ignition system with points. BTDT.
That bike an't worth $100 $50 maybe. I know where theres a 74 mx250 thats mint for 600
Even if it's complete, you'll need to recover the seat, probably redo the engine (Yamaha = two stroke, so the seals will be dead).
I think you're better off starting with something a little nicer.
stuart in mn wrote:
There doesn't appear to be an engine in the photo...did you contact the seller and he told you that? Also, I don't think there were any 200cc Yamaha dirt bikes in the 1970s - they had a 175 and a 250.
They are pretty easy to work on, the only thing will be sourcing replacement parts.
I talked to the seller. It has an engine just not in the bike.
How do you talk a seller down from $100? I mean I have seen a number of MX250s (in nice shape for $1000-$2000). And I haven't seen any projects for less then $400 or $500.
The question is, should I?
The answer is no.
You'll end up selling it for half what you have in it, and be happy to see it go.
44Dwarf wrote:
I can fix your 74 mx box!
But most people just swap in the DT ignition system with points. BTDT.
Thanks, but that bike is long gone.
I talked him down to $50. Honestly I really just want something to play with over break and plus I want to learn how to do paint so what the hell.
Not a bad deal with a motor.
Whats the first three digits of the motor number?
I can tell you what it is. Also have good sorces of parts.
In reply to 44Dwarf:
I will let you know as soon as I pick the bike up on Sunday.
There pict of my fresh rebuild of my 74 mx 175A on my site.
Fresh as in fired it up last sunday night! Can't wait for jan 9th enduro-cross in the snow.