Apparently there is a thing called Battle of the Kings. For 2016 HD sent a 2016 883 Iron to dealerships all around the world to highlight just how customizable the Sportster is.
There are some amazing builds, and some questionable ones. Here are a few of my favorites, and a few that leave me scratching my head.
I'm not sure what to call this style but it really speaks to me. Not really a cafe bike, I'd call it more of a old school muscle bike vibe. Whatever it is I love it.
I also love these classic frame mounted fairing builds. (Unfortunately, these seem to have the worst picture compositions.)
My, oh, my. This one is by far my favorite.
Here are some very beautiful builds.
The offroad contingent was well represented. Some amazing bikes here.
This one is super cool.
And now from the way out there department.
There are many more, these were just some of my highlights. After seeing all of these amazing builds I'm truly inspired. I want to go build my bike now.