I finally got the T250 running and running well. I was breaking it in today by riding through my development when I noticed something. To make the bike go straight I have to turn slightly to the right. It is not just the handlebars, but the forks. The bars are aligned perfectly with the forks. It is the wheels which seems off-center. I did have the forks professionally rebuilt and the tires professionally installed and balanced. How do I straighten this out?
Losen the axel, any pinch bolts on the lower forks and the bottom triple tree bolts. Pull the front brake and push down to compress the forks. Let them come up quick. Do it a few times and then tighten everything up.
Sure it's the front wheel? I've found the rear wheel to be the culprit for that more often. They are easy to get misaligned when tightening the wheel tensioner to tighten the chain. Spockets can take a small amount misalignment, just accelerates wear to the sprocket and chain.
That didn't quite get it so I rolled the bike over to a post on my car lift and pushed the wheel against it (with the pinch bolts loose) until it was straight. It looks good now.