Ug, today I turned 50. So the big touring Harley I bought last winter is now officially appropriate, and AARP will be beating down my door.
Though I did take the old Honda XL500 out the other day, just to convince myself I'm not as old as the calendar insists I am.
Found a broken spoke and several loose ones at the end of the day when I was washing it, I must have been riding it in a youthful style!
Don't let your age stop you from having fun. My dad turns 68 in a couple of days and he still rides motocross weekly.
I retired from motocross when I was 25 because of injuries, somehow he still manages to keep it upright.
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday!!!
7/30/13 3:24 p.m.
Happy birthday, little old fart. 
Non-sprockets content, but I think I've decided to shelve the Falcon plan and just buy the damn S197 Mustang I've wanted since 2005. Air con, fuel injection, galvanized metal and parts you can actually buy...yup, the decision of an old geezer vs the wanton stupidity of a young man. Right behind ya.
Happy Birthday Foxtrapper and rock on w/ the Harley
7/31/13 12:16 p.m.
happy birthday. somehow AARP has been hounding me since I turned 30. 8 more years and I will be ready though.