I have a BMW R-1100rt with 35,000 on it. I like it, bags, heated grips, GIVI trunk box for the bride to lean back on, but THIS ONE just turns my head.
I've seen others in this price range with 15 - 20k miles on them; should 63k make me nervous?

I used to ride my buddies, K100RS had over 70K on the clock never had issues. They seem to be really reliable.
hosed it down just for the pix. that always strikes me as shady.
That is the only wet spot for 20 ft. I don't like that for the same reason you never buy a car in the rain.
What's wrong with washing it for pictures? Should he post pictures of it covered in bug guts, to prove it's been ridden lately?
Yeah! What kind of shady jerk washes their vehicle right before taking pictures of it to advertise it for sale?
i wash things before posting them up why wouldnt you try and make your things look nice
It makes faded paint look fresh if its sitting there soaking wet it could have no clear coat whatsoever or bad fading.
I say wash them all you want but at least let the car and concrete around it dry.
6/10/13 11:46 a.m.
I know mine is a K and this is an R, but my RT has nearly 90k on it and it runs just fine.
I wouldn't worry about the mileage if it comes with a stack of service history done by someone who knows their stuff (ie, not necessarily the local BMW dealer).