Say I wanted to put a turbo on a something like a CRF100F, what would be the smallest turbo I could find in the used/ebay special? There is the IHI RHB3 series that were used in a bunch of Kei cars, or so I gather. Another that comes to mind is the tiny twin turbos off of some of those twin turbo sixes. Is this even something that would work?
You could use an old smog pump as a supercharger.
That IS an idea... I will have to look into that some more.
I once supercharged a 5hp briggs with a VW heater blower. It worked well enough that the unlimited class I was racing in outlawed it.
In reply to bravenrace:
That sounds like a good thing from my perspective.
I also found the ecotrons small engine EFI website. That mixed with a tiny supercharger might be the ticket.
In reply to singleslammer:
Sounds like a glorious way to blow money 
I actually think that I could manage this project on around 1500. I doubt that I can start anytime soon but damn does it look fun. Also this sort of thing is the inspiration.

Street legal of course.
Neat fox. I might try blowing up a couple of $4 smog pumps first though.
Woody- I read there might be an issue with rotation on a smog pump (CW) vs a left hand bike crank pulley (CCW). Did you run into this? Also, does anyone know if Honda ran smog pumps on their old reverse rotation stuff?