Hi all I am thinking about getting a V-Star 650 to commute back and forth to work. Anyone have experience with these? I have been riding my whole life and currently own a 1992 Kawasaki Zephyr. Mainly want to know how the reliability on them is.
I had an '03 1100 V Star for a few years, never had an issue, used to commute 26 miles each way for 2-3 days a week, weather permitting.
My step father got one new. Put quite a few miles on it commuting to work one day a week during the summer. Totally gutless, too gutless to carry my mom around and she's not big. They just moved and it was nearly impossible to sell, because almost no one wants a V-twin cruiser that is that small. Very reliable and probably got decent mileage.
Petrolburner wrote:
My step father got one new. Put quite a few miles on it commuting to work one day a week during the summer. Totally gutless, too gutless to carry my mom around and she's not big. They just moved and it was nearly impossible to sell, because almost no one wants a V-twin cruiser that is that small. Very reliable and probably got decent mileage.
I suspect that is a very common occurance on these types of bikes. Doesn't make them bad, just not valuable. Buy used from a private seller and enjoy your cheap bike.
4/22/15 4:36 p.m.
I've been thinking about one for a cheap around town cruiser. They seem to pop up on Craigslist all the time for $2000-3000, probably less where you are. Resale on these is abysmal, mainly because it's a "small" cruiser with a low powered engine. Reliability seems to be typical Yamaha, meaning they'll last forever with oil changes. The dual carbs can go out of sync, and the r/r's can go bad, but it's the same basic motorcycle they've been selling since Star became a brand.
I'm looking for a "custom" model over the classic personally. Then I'd add a solo seat, bob the rear fender, throw on some mini-apes, and do something with the exhaust. Maybe even do the single carb conversion that's out there for them.
4/22/15 4:39 p.m.
Petrolburner wrote:
...it was nearly impossible to sell, because almost no one wants a V-twin cruiser that is that small. Very reliable and probably got decent mileage.
Good reason to buy used on these. Not bad bikes, and for the most part don't look small on first glance. I agree that the "Classic" is better looking than the "Custom" version.
Had a 535 some years ago, which is the basis for the 650.
Buzzy engine and uncomfortable seat are my strongest memories of the bike. There is virtually no aftermarket support for these bikes.
I do realize that they are not very powerful but I am just looking for something cheap, comfortable and cool looking. I have heard that the seat is not too good but those are easy to upgrade.
The 950 is an amazing bike, better in every way, and they are tanking on the resale market so you should be able to pick on up for not too much more.

Is the engine in the 950 based on the same design as the 650 or something different? I thought I read that the 950 was a lot different from the 650/1100's?