8/23/18 12:38 p.m.
Hey gang.
I'm giving serious thought to raffling my 52 Harley model K. It's a good rider not 100% OEM but never been "restored" its got 54 and up paint job that crazed but to me that adds to the character. The market for it takes large swings year to year and well I don't ride it much anymore and few times i've listed it all i get are crack heads with no money.
So questions are:
1) What would be the dollar amount you spend on a raffle ticket?
2) What would be the max number of tickets sold you consider fair odds?
Recently i bought a $200 ticket for a custom bike with only 200 tickets sold. the drawing was held live on facebook...I didn't win. :(
Thanks for the help guys.
$10 a ticket / 10 tickets sold.
Seriously, how do you know that guy who auctioned off a custom bike with $40k worth of tickets didn't make sure his buddy didn't win the bike?
Mikes a straight shooter as they come! Turns out the guy that one his bike really only wanted the motor so Mike is doing the motor change so the frames stay undamaged and doing some other work for the guy an keeping the chassis.
8/25/18 8:06 p.m.
I don't generally like Harleys but that thing is bitchin cool.
You need to check into the laws in your state about doing a raffle. I've been with organizations in the past that wanted to do raffles and there are often legal hurdles that make it too much of a PITA to undertake.
ddavidv said:
I don't generally like Harleys but that thing is bitchin cool.
You need to check into the laws in your state about doing a raffle. I've been with organizations in the past that wanted to do raffles and there are often legal hurdles that make it too much of a PITA to undertake.
This. Many states see a raffle as gambling and if the state isn't getting their piece they get a piece of you.
8/29/18 10:50 a.m.
Your all correct...al sorts of red tape F'it I'll deal with e-bay or craiglist or sent it to auction