I'm heading to the New Hampshire Vintage Festival at NHMS in Loudon, NH tomorrow. Dates for the event are May 21-23
More info at this link:
Spectators are welcome (I'm not sure of the admission price). There is vintage sports car racing (towing up my #909 race-Spridget), a car show and vintage motorcycle sidecar racing.
A Vincent with side-hack. Super rare!

I did one heat side hack ice racing, nads just aren't big enough.
5/20/10 11:46 a.m.
Thanks for the reminder not to go home sunday down 93!
Ya Monkeys got elphantus of the nuts for sure.
If you bump in to a guy with a one of thos flat french hats (that i can't seem to spell) his name is Ray he'll be on a BMW. He's from NH but been down in martigra land running a food bank. Tell him Tony said Hi.