Well, they won't be in the gene pool for long.
In less than 24 hours I've had three idiots do their best to kill themselves with my car.
Well, they won't be in the gene pool for long.
In less than 24 hours I've had three idiots do their best to kill themselves with my car.
Just yesterday I'm out on the KZ and cruising down a country road with a 55 mph speed limit. At an intersection I see a guy on a BICYCLE cross the road ahead of me. I had to hit the brakes pretty hard to stay off him. I was in disbelief! Moron.
I was doing 80 on the highway the other day, and a squid on a gixxer passed me like I was standing still. Had to have been doing 130 at least! Weaving in and out of traffic, wearing T-shirt, jeans, and trainers.
I haven't encountered another dog on my daily walks in months. Yesterday, 5 different people are walking their dogs, and are completely surprised that their mutts are completely stir-crazy and not well socialized towards other dogs.
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