I joined a new group here in Pittsburgh that RIDES motorcycles (no bar hopping or bike nights, actually putting many miles on the bikes). My first ride was with two FJR1300s on very twisty back roads. I had a lot of fun and learned that:
1) I am a better backroad rider than I thought
2) the V-Star 950 is not meant for that
3) the FJR1300 is at 20% when I am at 105%.
These guys were really great to ride with and I look forward to more with this group when the nice weather returns.
Very cool. You gonna be bike shopping soon?
I think there's something to be said about sport-touring bikes. If you look at the guys who ride 30K miles or more a year are usually on them.
There was a story about a rider that passed away recently with 140,000miles on his FJR. Still under the one year manufacturers unlimited mileage warranty
Sounds like someone is about to go shopping! The one time I rode a cruiser in a more sporting manner, it scared the crap out of me. I'm used to a tall bike with more cornering clearance than you'll ever need, and dragging pipes/boards through the first corner came as a big surprise.
Grtechguy wrote:
There was a story about a rider that passed away recently with 140,000miles on his FJR. Still under the one year manufacturers unlimited mileage warranty
Holy crap. That's an average of 384 miles -a day- for an entire year.
11/12/15 11:37 a.m.
The more I think about what I want out of motorcycles, the more I start considering sport-touring rigs and the FJR in particular.
I guess the biggest disappointment about my Monster is that it really isn't great for long distances or two-up riding. Sure, I know there are folks who ride around the world on Ruckus's, but it would be nice to have a bike that could hold at least a toothbrush without wearing a backpack.
FJR's are wonderful beasts. I rented on for a weekend and the wife used the top box it came with as her personal purse.
I had no idea it was such a capable warp speed cruiser and handler until I turned the wick up a bit to go back looking for a lost rider. That thing would hustle even two up.
A bit like this:

I'm mixed between an fjr / concours / bmw gsa for my next bike. Still enjoying the b6/12 Bandit I built though.
In reply to Grtechguy:
I went the GSA route because it had more broad capability for bad weather, keeping going when the blacktop ends and I also have some affinity for the brand from racing them (cars) over the years.
BUT, the FJ would be my first choice of I was looking to cover thousands of miles comfortably where it's not likely to snow much and only touch a well maintained dirt road once in a blue moon.
11/17/15 5:01 p.m.
Thank you for reminding me why I don't want a cruiser. Now to decide if an FZ1 is too much bike for a first bike.
I like the cruiser because I usually...well cruise. With the wife. But my neighbor is selling his FJ-09 because he just stepped up to an FJR1300. If I was gainfully employed, I would already own it.
Brian wrote:
Thank you for reminding me why I don't want a cruiser. Now to decide if an FZ1 is too much bike for a first bike.
IMHO? Yes. While big liter bikes can be ridden easily at low speeds, it does take good throttle control.
An accidental sneeze can send you launching to high rates of speed easy.
I endorse 500cc bikes for a 1st. A lot of people will say 250. My bike with the tuned 1200cc is a completely different animal than it was with the 600cc mill.
Accidental power wheelies are fun.
I love my fjr, want to do 1000 miles ok, want to tour 2 up no problem, want to have fun in the twisties absolutely!