Normally I hit up CL, ebay, cycletrader... when I'm browsing for something but I don't know what I'm looking for.
This time... I'm shopping for a '99-'05 BMW R 1150GS Adventure with saddle bags that has had love. I can find exactly zero for sale in the entire country using the above means. Even google only finds one - with a stock photo and no details somewhere at a dealer in Ohio.
I'm not "exactly" ready to buy plane tickets today but I'm actively looking for that bike. Anybody got good sources for classifieds?
WTF. I need some new sources.
Try or
Look for a BMW bike forum.
And don't forget to put on your pompous hat before you go in 
Zomby Woof wrote:
And don't forget to put on your pompous hat before you go in
Do you think this will go with a hen speckled monocle?

3/25/14 6:28 p.m.
There's the car old joke, what's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? (porcupine has pricks on the outside). BMW bike = porcupine???
+1 on BMW rider forums and avrider
I see plenty of GS 1200s but 1150s seem hard to find. Any reason why the earlier version is preferred?
Craigslist. I usually find a bike in Chicago, then find something similar in Milwaukee for 40% less. 
Searchtempest,Ebay, drive by, talking.
This looks like a deal for $4000
3/26/14 2:52 p.m.
I greatly prefer the make specific forum.....about 100% better chance of getting one thats been maintained.