I found this: http://www.aircooledtech.com/tools-on-the-cheap/soda_blaster/ a couple of years ago. I gave it a shot and it works perfectly. The only downside is you go through a lot of baking soda, but it's cheap. I used it on aluminum valve covers, timing chain covers and other such castings. Haven't tried it on my webers yet.
Recently blasted a triple set of SU carbs using this method. Really worked well.
This is an article I always remember I was supposed to look for only AFTER I'm in my car and on my way home.
HF sells this soda medium. I've used it with great results.
50lbs. Medium Grade Armex Soda Blast Media Only: $37.99

Sonofabitch! I just spent hours hand scrubbing with emery cloth, brake/carb clean and oven cleaner!
My roommate has an air compressor I forget that we own... hrmm I am going to need to do this however its cold as balls outside...
If you're gonna do that, an actual handheld media blaster is pretty cheap.
I have a top fill blaster from HF. It was something like $9.00. I have never tried it. I should try it with soda. I was going to use black beauty but I really hate using that stuff. Oh another tip. if you have a wide funnel tape it over the nozzle. It really helps with the bounce back and keeps the mess more localized. I did this with s suction fed blaster I had and it helped a lot.
A friend of mine used the bellows from a power steering rack and held it directly against what he was blasting. I have not seen it in action but he said it worked really well. He clamped it to the nozzle with a hose clamp
I'm going to try this on my Weber 48 IDA and see how it works.