Hello, I just bought myself a flange/punch tool from Eastwood. https://www.eastwood.com/rockwood-air-punch-and-flange-tool.html?SRCCODE=PLA00010&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5dPuBRCrARIsAJL7oejTBnPK1EL1rSvsX4st0mTXhY8OFvz-hVMVzN08PpKlaPBIXuPWcm8aAvVKEALw_wcB Looks like a fantastic tool to help me replace the bottom of the door panels on my classic mini build. I unboxed it and marveled at the ease in which it punched holes and flanged sheetmetal. But then i noticed the things I flanged (random metal around the shop) was stretched along the flange, so what I was hoping would be a nice strong strait bend was now deformed and wobbly. Any tricks or tips? Or did I just buy into a fad?