Not just for coffee tables and Consuela anymore.
My "old timer" coworker told me he has been using it as a quick detail spray on his motorcycles for decades and hit my bike with it when I was over for a drink. It really shined it up, and didn't even disolve my crummy rattle can paint job (even a rag with title wax comes away paint colored the paint is so bad).
New Reader
10/5/15 10:01 p.m.
It also works great on plastic windows, like jeeps or verts. It feels in the small scratches and makes them way clearer and easier to see thru.
It also repels spiders. No, really. They used it in the movie Arachnophobia to make the spiders walk specific paths for filming. They just coated all the no-go areas in Pledge.
New Reader
10/6/15 9:34 p.m.
If that's the case I'm gonna coat my entire house in pledge.
If you don't want to put spray on an area, Swiffer sheets work well.
Pledge is also great for tires and rubber hoses on a concours car where you don't want a high gloss, just a nice clean "as new" look.