A few days ago, a family member left a nasty deposite, likely motor oil, on my girlfriends folks driveway. Does anyone have experience with a product/method for complete or almost complete removal? I’ve done some searching, seems like coka cola won’t do much good for this particular stain, degreasers seems to do better with scrubbing and repetition. The house is part of a condo development, so seal coating to cover is not an option.
Halp. (Fortunately, one of my Jalops was not the source of the oil, but huge brownie points to me if I solve their problem) Thanks in advance!
pics of the stain:

Years ago I ordered 5 yards of sand and had it dumped on my driveway. It sat with plastic over it for about a week while I moved parts of it to the appropriate places. Amazingly enough it pulled massive amounts of oil stain out of the driveway. I don't know how much it takes but a few dollars for a 50lb bag of play sand might be worth a try.
1/16/18 4:39 p.m.
I have used a product called ACT concrete cleaner very successfully. It is an enzyme powder tgat actually eats the oil out of the concrete pores. I only found it online via their site, but might be available in hardware stores.
1/16/18 4:42 p.m.
Grease eater or even oil-dri should work. just let it sit for a bit to absorb the oil
Cheap kitty litter, not the clumping kind. Cheapest you can find. Cover and grind in with feet. Mound more on top and let sit. Maybe a week or more. Works as good as oil-dri and is much cheaper.
Liquid dish detergent for hand washing, a bristle brush to work it in, and a hose. Pour the detergent on straight and work it in with brush, then add a little water at a time while continuing scrubbing.
New Reader
2/24/18 9:44 p.m.
The kitty litter method mentioned above but with a brick or patio paver as a scrub brush to grind it in & absorb oil. Pour, grind/scrub with brick, scrub with dish soap, dry, repeat...
2/25/18 8:02 a.m.
Can you just do the maintenance asphalt seal coat?
New Reader
2/27/18 1:46 a.m.
I recommend Oil-Flo. Works great and contains no harmful chemicals.