Well I wanted to take the Route to the Roanoake / Salem / Blacksbug Area as posted above.
I get to the car after work on Friday and it's time to depart.
Crankety-crankety-crankety-crankety-crankety-crankety-crankety.... No start.
This happened to me earlier in the week as well. I had just been in the carb creating some baffling.. so I thought it was float / carb / fuel issues. Then I found a spark issue.
I chose to walk 6 miles home from work and got the trailer and tow vehicle... winched it up on there, and brought it home to diagnose in the garage.
Turns out that the old MoPars have a separate coil power feed for start and run.... Well it was getting power in run mode, but the firewall bulkhead was intermittently disconnecting (weak spot on old Mopars) and the engine would not get fire in start mode with the key.
Once I got that figured out I was 7-8 Hours behind schedule..
I left about 6:30 PM here and arrived in Blacksburg, VA about 23:23; I had to take the interstates due to all of the maladies of the car not starting eariler in the day. :-(
I had arrived in enough time to get settled in and some sleep before the ~40 Minute drive in the morning to the Salem Civic center for the Auto X.
We completed the auto X, 3 Slant 6 Powered cars were there to represent.. There were some pretty skookum corvairs too! Car was okay, but still had Fueling issues with the carb. - That's another story..My Mod's to the carb Made no difference.. so the next AutoX for me will be with a different fuel delivery and intake system.
Here's the Auto X:

Blue Ridge Mountains served up a nice backdrop:

The next day wer were off to Marion, VA for the back of the Dragon, Heading North on VA SR16.
Lots of fog early:

Then we Hit the tail of the Dragon!... Prepped my belongings for a proper mountain route flogging:

had a bit of traffic once..was the only safe place / time to take a photo like this.

Pulled off for some glamour shots a few times...

We found the awesome valley ledge whe the BOTD.com paparazzi set up..

Fog kept rolling over this hillside like a velvety blanket from the heavens.

This ribbon of road is nice! - Only ~8 Miles to Tazewell from here.

We made it! Time fo lunch, then we depart ways for home.

I took WV route 20 For a While... From Princeton WV. I need to explore more of that route.
WV 20:

All in all a great weekend, but due to the mechanical / electrical maladies at the start I drove more interstates than I preferred to.