The younger Huntsmen, of course, want to run around the property (heat or no heat). The Youngest wants to play "War" so I do my best to appear energetic (I'm not). Eventually I have to talk him into sitting on the swings, but he wasn't interested.
On our way back he spotted a little girl with a futbol and that was 100% that (I'm saved!)
I get the feeling though that Mrs. Hungary was enjoying the shade and silence:

All of a sudden though a WHOLE BUNCH OF PEOPLE show up. I mean, maybe not what you would consider a "whole bunch" but prior to this we were the only people here and now there are like over 10-kids and 6 or 7 adult men walking up to the kitchen building.
The doors and all the serving windows are opened, and the barbecue is fired up.
Everyone seems to know everyone and I mentioned that I thought the two people working/running this place lived here, so Mrs. Hungary and I are getting very worried that these guys might be preparing a big meal to put on our behalf. This of course wasn't helped by the fact that they DO in fact, start cooking a big meal...
Never could I explain how well we've been treated by absolutely EVERY SINGLE PERSON in Tunisia (barring my complaints about souvenir salesmen) if it weren't for the fact that having an empty camp invite everyone they know over to randomly celebrate the arrival of two random people would have been 100% par for this trip's course. Like, we were legitimately wondering how we were going to get Mrs. Huntswoman something vegetarian to eat without being insulting...
This fear is again not helped when the group of kids, having helped the adults set up to cook the meal, swarm our kids and take them with them to go play ball

Mrs. Huntswoman and I decide to try to be subtle and start shrinking away from the crowd. We really weren't prepared to be this level of social today, and communication is just so difficult sometimes, and we are kind of tired from the heat and all the driving... we really want to just have some quiet time. To try to distance ourselves a little bit (without LOOKING like we're distancing ourselves) I head over to the truck and snag our backup burner and our cook pot set.
In the background I can hear the Eldest Huntsman exclaim "oh! Volleyball!" and then all the kids are at the volleyball net playing that (that's when I snapped the above photo).
The games go on for about an hour all while the men are still at the kitchen cooking. And even though we've shrunk back to our hut, we're still worried that we're going to be invited over.
But alas. we were worried about nothing. (well, that's not true. Had we not distanced ourselves we 100% would have been invited over to eat, as both Younger Huntsmen were invited in to the group by the children they were playing with but opted to join us elders at the hut instead). In the end we were able to set up camp in our little corner and do some light reading (followed by a dinner of the WORST fried rice I've ever made, and then laundry)