First time loading the Supra on the trailer. Doors clear the fenders with the deck up, which is great. That will make it easier to move the car back a bit to back off the tongue loading.
Need to work out some stuff for positioning the car properly for loading/un loading and get tie downs squared away.

That's a really cool trailer! Whats its weight?
SV reX
7/9/23 7:37 a.m.
That's great!
Isn't the deck down when loading/ unloading?
It's an aluminum trailer. Though I've not run it across scales after adding the front rock guard and extension for the toolbox on the tongue, the catalog weight was unser 1700 lbs.
While the deck drops for easy loading, it's kind of tight getting the car where I want side-to-side, so I'll figure out some aids on that-- at minimum some telltales to mark the edges and maybe something to line up from the drivers seat.
While you can open the doors with the deck raised, you definitely can't with the deck down!