I actually have another update! 
This was last week and I went to Rapid City, SD.
It's a fairly boring drive from Indiana, but I try to make the best out of it.
Now, I have stopped at the Iowa 80 Truck Stop a dozen times, but never actually gone inside. Pretty impressive facility. They have a giant Semi Truck accessory showroom.

That is a full length semi truck with a mural.

Needs more Dekotora 
They have a nice little homage to service stations of yore. I love Visible gas pumps.

Anyways, if you ever end up in South Dakota. It's pretty boring until you hit the west end of the state. That's where the fun begins.

I love Jimmy Johns. If anyone was looking at getting me a gift card, this is the place. 
The clouds broke and had a nice sunset.

So I dropped my trailer the next morning and since I was in Rapid City, that meant there was one place I had to go.

That's right, Mount Rushmore. One of the places I have always wanted to go and never have.

If you've never been here, this place is awe inspiring. It was in the 40's and I just sat there and observed. It was so peaceful, calm, and so insanely quiet, it's surreal. The other thing I always appreciate is that being a national monument, on the third picture down, they represent all the States in the union and all of our territories. I always think that's great. It's kind deceiving, but the monument is lot smaller than you think it's going to be, still huge, but not as big you'd think.
The museum there was quite cool. They have a lot of the artifacts from the construction.
Kind of a crappy picture, but this was the dedication flag. This thing is ridiculously huge.

This was a random device used in the construction that had no tag of what it was, but it was made in Chicago Heights, IL where I spent a lot of my childhood because it's where my family grew up. Looks like a hand crank blower.

I am a fan of lever action rifles and Winchester made a commemorative Model 94 50th Anniversary Mount Rushmore rifle in 1991.

That was it for Mount Rushmore, but on my way out through Keystone, was an honest to god phonebooth!

The rest of my trip was uneventful.