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Nankang , Nankang CR-S , Sportnex CR-S
NHTSA rejects shipments of Nankang tires

Getting a set of Nankang tires might be a little more difficult: Shipments of tires from Nankang have been refused entry at multiple ports in the U.S.

Tire Rack | Nankang | CR-S | Nankang Sportnex CR-S | Nankang CR-S
Nankang Sportnex CR-S now available at Tire Rack

One of the top 200tw tires, the Nankang Sportnex CR-S, is now available from Tire Rack.

Andy Hollis
Tire Test | tires | Nankang | 200tw | CR-S | Nankang CR-S
Exclusive: What you need to know about the reformulated Nankang CR-S

We tested the reformulated Nankang CR-S against the Bridgestone RE-71RS and the Yokohama A052–Subscribe to GRM+ so you don't miss out when we publish the results tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.

Colin Wood
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