Well that was an eye opener...
It's so often that Dyno charts on speed parts start at 4000 rpm or higher. Unless you're building a dedicated race engine, I'd like to see a chart that starts at 1000rpm and goes to 7000 or red line. Now you have the complete picture.
8/19/20 5:47 p.m.
Funny, old fashioned rockers manage to last for hundreds of thousands of miles but nobody seems to be able to tell me how long it will be until I have to go digging for needle bearings in the oil pump.
I'd bet dollar per horsepower, these are near the bottom, along with ignition upgrades.
Yeah, a different ratio rocker is one thing. But just adding a roller to the end of the valve?
Part of adding a roller to the end of the rocker is about not excessively side-loading the valve stem as the rocker tip sweeps farther across it when you increase valve lift, which accelerates guide wear. And without a roller contact point on the tip of the rocker arm, when you increase cam lift you can often get to a 'bad angle' between rocker tip and valve stem which puts all the surface loading into a tiny area which accelerates wear there too. I mean if you think about a valvespring having like 300 lbs of open pressure and all that 300lbs being applied to a ~5/16" or smaller circle which is the the valve stem, and then reduce it to only a fraction of that space, and then make that contact point grind side to side as it goes up and down, it makes sense why roller tips become a big durability upgrade when you increase both valvespring rate and cam lift.
I opted for roller rockers on my Pontiac 400 build about 12 years ago after reading that people were seeing up to 20hp gains swapping from standard rockers. While I found it hard to believe, I went for it, since I needed to buy rockers anyway (my heads didn't come with any). I will tell you this: MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU LOCK THEM DOWN CORRECTLY!!! Check them all, and then re-check them again!

I dodged a huge bullet when this happened; the pushrod was still straight, valves were OK, and nothing came out for air. I bolted it back together, checked them all again, and it's been fine ever since.