That Honda, seems crazy, but it's been done before. I knew a couple of guys in the SHO Club with ~500 FWD HP. You couldn't really use all of it in 2nd gear, much less first. This was the first gen Taurus, pumped up with a Vortech supercharger and several other mods including Quaife differential. (Of course the Honda dragstrip guys are now well beyond that power level....)
My pal Nick was at a track day at Sears (now Sonoma) and the guy in the Porsche ahead of him saw a Taurus coming in his rear view. Apparently couldn't stand the idea of something with 4 doors going past him. (Long before the Panamera of course.) So the guy didn't lift soon enough at the end of the straight after the Carousel, and went off. Now he's not only "embarrassed" but also on the hook and paying for a lot of repairs.