What’s new for SCCA Time Trials Nationals in 2022? | Live chat with SCCA Time Trials Director John Hunter

By Colin Wood
Feb 16, 2022 | SCCA, GRM Live!, Time Trials Nationals

Photograph Courtesy SCCA

What new things can we expect to see in the 2022 SCCA Time Trials Nationals season?

Join us live Wednesday evening, February 16 at 9 p.m. Eastern for a live town hall with SCCA Time Trials Director John Hunter.

The list of topics to be discussed includes upcoming changes to rules and classes as well as exciting new Track and Time Trial events. Plus, all the new faces being added to the SCCA Time Trials board will be announced.

We'll also be taking questions during the live broadcast, so if you’re an active TT participant with questions or just looking to give TT a try, be sure to join us and participate.

You can catch the stream on the GRM Facebook page and YouTube channel.

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David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
2/16/22 11:26 a.m.

Just bumping this up for the morning crew.

See you all tonight. 

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