I'm a little confused; For many of the matches the car has a bye, in other words, it is unopposed. Yet it's possible to vote against these cars. Or are all votes applied to a car that gets a bye?
Does the Mustang get 6 or 8 votes?
Who brought the coolest car to the 2015 Tire Rack Ultimate Track Car Challenge this past July? It’s totally up to you. You read about each one in the Novemeber issue of Grassroots Motorsports. And now all 51 entrants are facing off head-to-head in bracket format. Click the link and vote for your favorites.
I'm a little confused; For many of the matches the car has a bye, in other words, it is unopposed. Yet it's possible to vote against these cars. Or are all votes applied to a car that gets a bye?
Does the Mustang get 6 or 8 votes?
Yes, the cars that are unopposed get a "bye" for the first round. Unfortunately, the bracket program I used can't force a bye pick. That means that it is possible to vote for nobody. However, if by some series of jokesters, a "bye" car gets out-voted by a blank space, I can still manually push them through to the next round.
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