I have the same bar on the rally car (though mine was bought used off ebay 10 years ago, so no idea if it's actually UUC or not, but is identical to that one). For future (?) reference, it fits fine with any M50/52/54 engines as well.
I'll say, though, that a more effective way to reinforce the strut towers is to get the (OEM for cheap!) plates that connect the outside of the towers to the engine bay "rim." These reinforcements are stock for e30 convertibles but not on hardtops for some reason. Of course, they don't look as cool :) You can order them from the dealer, or buy them aftermarket: https://store.garagistic.com/e30-strut-tower-gussets?gclid=CjwKCAjw98rpBRAuEiwALmo-yhaazwdd5UgqjLLMsvRyIIXMbULs9DuK21zfDt8bDByW38IA6yTVxxoCKwUQAvD_BwE
here's a pic of mine. I also added some additional "wrap-over" plating to the outer strut bolt to tie it all together.