The 9-2x, the Forgotten Saab

Update by Per Schroeder to the Saab 92x Linear project car
Nov 28, 2005

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Since Per was down in Naples over the Thanksgiving holiday, we dropped the 9-2x off at the local Saab dealer (we don’t have one in the Ormond Beach area) for its free 7500 mile service. The service advisor didn’t realize that the 9-2x gets free service (including oil changes) for a few years, but after that was sorted out, we handed him a 5 quart jug of Mobil 1 and released the car into his care. The car was done in about 20 minutes (enough time for us to go to the parts department for a bottle of touch-up paint) and we were on our way. Not, however, after we asked for the remaining oil. The mechanic said, “Oh, it used all 4 quarts (it takes 4.2)….let’s do the math….that was a 5 quart jug….Anyway, now we’ve got to drain a little bit of oil out of the engine so we don’t have any problems.

While we were waiting, we noticed that there were no 9-2x’s on the lot, nor was there any sales literature on the car. Looks like the 9-2x’s future is very uncertain since GM dumped its small share of Subaru.

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