How to convert an autocross newbie into a lifelong autocrosser

Update by Paris Van Gorder to the Volkswagen Golf GTI project car
Oct 21, 2024 | Volkswagen, Autocross, Volkswagen GTI, Project car

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Photography by David S. Wallens

When I first sat behind the wheel of our Volkswagen Golf GTI, I didn’t think autocross could hook me more than it had. Boy, was I wrong.

[From behind the scenes to behind the wheel]

Martin Sports Car Club recently held yet another autocross in Orlando, giving me and David the perfect chance for one last run in the GTI for the season.

While not as hot as last time, the Orlando sun still showed no mercy as David and I completed our three track walks. This is where I started feeling a bit nervous.

Why? Well, none of our walk-throughs were the same.

As Martin officials were putting out cones, the course changed a few times. But I don’t blame them. If I tried to design a course, it would look like a bowl of spaghetti. 

Heat one: David and I both worked the course. And just like last time, working first let me see problem spots and how other competitors handled them. 

Heat two: Now this is where things got interesting. David and I were in the same heat and the same car but in different groups running different numbers. And this is how it went: Complete run, park, jump out, spray tires, change numbers, change class, jump back in the car, get in line for the next run. Rinse and repeat.

As I’m rushing to wet the tires with what little water I had left in the sprayer, I hear a faint, “Hey do you want to ride?” through my helmet. I looked up at David, confused, and he pointed behind me. I turn and see Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street staring right at me.

Huh? Am I hallucinating from the heat?

Did you want to go for a ride?” I hear again, this time making eye contact with Nick Dunlap, one of the drivers of the dark-green 1999 Miata known as Oscar. 

I mean, how could I say no? I jumped into the passenger seat and waited with anticipation as we pulled to the starting line.

Green light, a blur, and then we are pulling back to the grid.

Wait, what?

Holy cow, he finished that run in only 36 seconds.

As I stepped out of the Miata, I thanked Nick for letting me ride with him and formulated my game plan for my final two runs. I decided to give this one a try all by myself without David in the passenger seat.

That second-to-last run turned into my best one yet at 43.845 seconds and I secured third overall in the Novice group.

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David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/21/24 12:39 p.m.

Look at that smile. :) 

Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
10/21/24 1:00 p.m.

In reply to David S. Wallens :

I know this will sound really obvious to a lot of people, but it was really eye-opening and super awesome that you can pretty much just show up to a parking lot and then drive the snot out of your car for a few minutes, and then drive home.

10/10 would recommend. wink


RacerBoy75 Reader
10/21/24 2:50 p.m.

Starting out in something new can be hard, so good for you, Paris! Keep at it, and you'll be going quicker than you thought possible before you know it.

Tom1200 PowerDork
10/21/24 2:52 p.m.
Colin Wood said:

In reply to David S. Wallens :

I know this will sound really obvious to a lot of people, but it was really eye-opening and super awesome that you can pretty much just show up to a parking lot and then drive the snot out of your car for a few minutes, and then drive home.

10/10 would recommend. wink


This is where we are at with the Foxbody Mustang. No unloading the trailer, loading the car back up just show up drive around and then hop in and go home. It's a fun day.

theruleslawyer Reader
10/21/24 4:47 p.m.
Colin Wood said:

In reply to David S. Wallens :

I know this will sound really obvious to a lot of people, but it was really eye-opening and super awesome that you can pretty much just show up to a parking lot and then drive the snot out of your car for a few minutes, and then drive home.

10/10 would recommend. wink


You just have to get out of there before security or the police show up.

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